The Entities

The package use two types of objects to send and receive info from Adobe Connect.

Entities to Send and Receive

Entities are objects with get and set methods and all of them are ArrayableInterface, returning an associative array formatted as the Adobe Connect API needs.


All objects on Adobe Connect are SCO, Shareable Content Objects. These objects are encapsulate in SCO class entity.

SCO normally are meetings, events, folders, contents etc.

use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\SCO;

$sco = SCO::instance()
    ->setName('A new SCO')


A Principal is an user, group and others not objects.

use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\Principal;

$principal = Principal::instance()


The Permission normally involves a Principal and a SCO, but exists special permissions to applied only in a SCO.

The Principal ID for a Permission can be the ID of a Principal or a special string from Permission::MEETING_PRINCIPAL_PUBLIC_ACCESS constant.

The Permission ID is one of the Permission::MEETING_* constants to the SCO (meeting) or Permission::PRINCIPAL_* constants for the Principal.


Set a SCO Meeting to public access to anyone with the URL.

use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection;
use AdobeConnectClient\Client;
use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\Permission;

$connection = new Connection('');
$client =  new Client($connection);
$client->login('username', 'password');

$scoId = 12345;

$permission = Permission::instance()


Set a User (Principal) as Host in a Meeting

use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection;
use AdobeConnectClient\Client;
use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\Permission;

$connection = new Connection('');
$client =  new Client($connection);
$client->login('username', 'password');

$scoId = 12345;
$principalId = 987654;

$permission = Permission::instance()


Entities only to receive

These objects are only returned by the web service.


The SCO Record is a special SCO for a meeting recording.

use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection;
use AdobeConnectClient\Client;

$connection = new Connection('');
$client = new Client($connection);
$client->login('username', 'password');

$folderId = 123;

$scoRecords = $client->listRecordings($folderId);

foreach ($scoRecords as $scoRecord) {
    // shows a DateInterval


The CommonInfo receive information about the server (the common-info endpoint).

use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\Curl\Connection;
use AdobeConnectClient\Client;

$connection = new Connection('');
$client =  new Client($connection);
$commonInfo = $client->commonInfo();

echo $commonInfo->getVersion();