

Name Description
Exception No description available EMPTY


Name Description
Client The Client to Adobe Connect API EMPTY
Command The Commands base class is an abstraction to Web Service actions EMPTY
Content Adobe Connect's types constants to Content EMPTY
CustomField Adobe Connect's types constants to Custom Field EMPTY
Filter Create valid filters using Fluent Interface EMPTY
Parameter A generic Parameter class to extra parameters. EMPTY
Sorter Create valid sort using Fluent Interface EMPTY


Name Description
AclFieldUpdate Updates the passed in field-id for the specified SCO, Principal or Account. EMPTY
CommonInfo Gets the common info EMPTY
GroupMembershipUpdate Adds one principal to a group, or removes one principal from a group. EMPTY
ListRecordings Provides a list of recordings (FLV and MP4) for a specified folder or SCO EMPTY
Login Call the Login action and save the session cookie. EMPTY
Logout Ends the session EMPTY
MeetingFeatureUpdate Set a feature EMPTY
PermissionInfoFromPrincipal Get the Principal's permission in a SCO, Principal or Account EMPTY
PermissionUpdate Updates the principal's permissions to access a SCO or the access mode if the acl-id is a Meeting EMPTY
PermissionsInfo Get a list of principals who have permissions to act on a SCO, Principal or Account EMPTY
PrincipalCreate Create a Principal. EMPTY
PrincipalDelete Remove one principal, either user or group. EMPTY
PrincipalInfo Provides information about one principal, either a user or a group. EMPTY
PrincipalList Provides a complete list of users and groups, including primary groups. EMPTY
PrincipalUpdate Update a Principal. EMPTY
RecordingPasscode Set the passcode on a Recording and turned into public. EMPTY
ScoContents Get the SCO Contents from a folder or from other SCO. EMPTY
ScoCreate Create a SCO. EMPTY
ScoDelete Deletes one or more objects (SCOs). EMPTY
ScoInfo Gets the Sco info EMPTY
ScoMove Move a SCO to other folder EMPTY
ScoUpdate Update a SCO. EMPTY
ScoUpload Uploads a file to the server and then builds the file, if necessary. EMPTY
UserUpdatePassword Changes user’s password. EMPTY


Name Description
Connection Connection using cURL EMPTY
Response The server response for cURL Connection. EMPTY
Stream Stream for a cURL Connection. EMPTY


Name Description
Converter No description available EMPTY
ConverterXML No description available EMPTY


Name Description
CommonInfo Result for Common Info Action EMPTY
Permission Adobe Connect Permission EMPTY
Principal Adobe Connect Principal EMPTY
SCO Adobe Connect SCO EMPTY
SCORecord The recording archive from a SCO EMPTY


Name Description
InvalidException No description available EMPTY
NoAccessException No description available EMPTY
NoDataException No description available EMPTY
TooMuchDataException No description available EMPTY


Name Description
HeaderParse Parses a Header EMPTY
SetEntityAttributes Set object attributes EMPTY
StatusValidate Validate the status code EMPTY
StringCaseTransform Converts string into Camel Case and vice-versa. EMPTY
ValueTransform Converts the value into a type. EMPTY