Adobe Connect Principal
class Principal
- // constants
- const TYPE_ADMINS = 'admins';
- const TYPE_ADMINS_LIMITED = 'admins-limited';
- const TYPE_AUTHORS = 'authors';
- const TYPE_COURSE_ADMINS = 'course-admins';
- const TYPE_EVENT_ADMINS = 'event-admins';
- const TYPE_EVENT_GROUP = 'event-group';
- const TYPE_EVERYONE = 'everyone';
- const TYPE_EXTERNAL_GROUP = 'external-group';
- const TYPE_EXTERNAL_USER = 'external-user';
- const TYPE_GROUP = 'group';
- const TYPE_GUEST = 'guest';
- const TYPE_LEARNERS = 'learners';
- const TYPE_LIVE_ADMINS = 'live-admins';
- const TYPE_SEMINAR_ADMINS = 'seminar-admins';
- const TYPE_USER = 'user';
- // members
- protected $name = NULL;
- protected $login = NULL;
- protected $displayUid = NULL;
- protected $principalId = NULL;
- protected bool $isPrimary = NULL;
- protected $type = NULL;
- protected bool $hasChildren = NULL;
- protected $permissionId = NULL;
- protected $trainingGroupId = NULL;
- protected bool $isEcommerce = NULL;
- protected bool $isHidden = NULL;
- protected $description = NULL;
- protected $accountId = NULL;
- protected bool $disabled = NULL;
- protected $email = NULL;
- protected $firstName = NULL;
- protected $lastName = NULL;
- protected $password = NULL;
- protected bool $sendEmail = NULL;
- protected bool $isMember = NULL;
- // methods
- protected array fieldsForUser()
- protected array fieldsForGroup()
- public static Principal instance()
- public array toArray()
- public string getName()
- public string getLogin()
- public int getDisplayUid()
- public int getPrincipalId()
- public bool getIsPrimary()
- public string getType()
- public bool getHasChildren()
- public string getPermissionId()
- public int getTrainingGroupId()
- public bool getIsEcommerce()
- public bool getIsHidden()
- public string getDescription()
- public int getAccountId()
- public bool getDisabled()
- public string getEmail()
- public string getFirstName()
- public string getLastName()
- public string getPassword()
- public bool getSendEmail()
- public Principal setName()
- public Principal setLogin()
- public Principal setDisplayUid()
- public Principal setPrincipalId()
- public Principal setIsPrimary()
- public Principal setType()
- protected void fixNameByType()
- public Principal setHasChildren()
- public Principal setPermissionId()
- public Principal setTrainingGroupId()
- public Principal setIsEcommerce()
- public Principal setIsHidden()
- public Principal setDescription()
- public Principal setAccountId()
- public Principal setDisabled()
- public Principal setEmail()
- public Principal setFirstName()
- public Principal setLastName()
- public Principal setPassword()
- public Principal setSendEmail()
- public bool getIsMember()
- public void setIsMember()
Methods | 0% | 0 / 45 |
Lines | 0% | / |
Line | Rule | Message |
303 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\StringCaseTransform' in method 'toArray'. |
303 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\ValueTransform' in method 'toArray'. |
354 - 357 | BooleanGetMethodName | The 'getIsPrimary()' method which returns a boolean should be named 'is...()' or 'has...()' |
376 - 379 | BooleanGetMethodName | The 'getHasChildren()' method which returns a boolean should be named 'is...()' or 'has...()' |
408 - 411 | BooleanGetMethodName | The 'getIsEcommerce()' method which returns a boolean should be named 'is...()' or 'has...()' |
418 - 421 | BooleanGetMethodName | The 'getIsHidden()' method which returns a boolean should be named 'is...()' or 'has...()' |
448 - 451 | BooleanGetMethodName | The 'getDisabled()' method which returns a boolean should be named 'is...()' or 'has...()' |
498 - 501 | BooleanGetMethodName | The 'getSendEmail()' method which returns a boolean should be named 'is...()' or 'has...()' |
555 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\ValueTransform' in method 'setIsPrimary'. |
606 - 623 | CyclomaticComplexity | The method fixNameByType() has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. The configured cyclomatic complexity threshold is 10. |
632 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\ValueTransform' in method 'setHasChildren'. |
666 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\ValueTransform' in method 'setIsEcommerce'. |
677 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\ValueTransform' in method 'setIsHidden'. |
710 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\ValueTransform' in method 'setDisabled'. |
767 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\ValueTransform' in method 'setSendEmail'. |
774 - 777 | BooleanGetMethodName | The 'getIsMember()' method which returns a boolean should be named 'is...()' or 'has...()' |
784 | StaticAccess | Avoid using static access to class '\AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\ValueTransform' in method 'setIsMember'. |
Line | Task |
17+ | Maybe a factory for the differents types? |
282+ | Returns fields for all types |
Name | Value |
TYPE_ADMINS | 'admins' |
TYPE_ADMINS_LIMITED | 'admins-limited' |
TYPE_AUTHORS | 'authors' |
TYPE_COURSE_ADMINS | 'course-admins' |
TYPE_EVENT_ADMINS | 'event-admins' |
TYPE_EVENT_GROUP | 'event-group' |
TYPE_EVERYONE | 'everyone' |
TYPE_EXTERNAL_GROUP | 'external-group' |
TYPE_EXTERNAL_USER | 'external-user' |
TYPE_GROUP | 'group' |
TYPE_GUEST | 'guest' |
TYPE_LEARNERS | 'learners' |
TYPE_LIVE_ADMINS | 'live-admins' |
TYPE_SEMINAR_ADMINS | 'seminar-admins' |
TYPE_USER | 'user' |
- $accountId — int
- $description
The new group’s description. Use only when creating a new group. - $disabled — AdobeConnectClient\Entities\bool
- $displayUid — int
- $email
Only for User - $firstName
Only for User - $hasChildren
On create: If the principal is a group, use true. If the principal is a user, use false. - $isEcommerce — AdobeConnectClient\Entities\bool
- $isHidden — AdobeConnectClient\Entities\bool
- $isMember
Indicates if the user is a member of the group (@see \AdobeConnectClient\Commands\PrincipalList) - $isPrimary — AdobeConnectClient\Entities\bool
- $lastName
Only for User - $login — string
- $name — string
- $password
Only on create a User - $permissionId — string
- $principalId — int
- $sendEmail
Only on create a User - $trainingGroupId — int
- $type
See {@link}
- fieldsForGroup() — The fields for create/update a Group
- fieldsForUser() — The fields for create/update a User
- fixNameByType() — Fix the name or firstName and lastName.
- getAccountId() — Get the Account ID
- getDescription() — Get the Description
- getDisabled() — Indicate if is Disabled
- getDisplayUid() — Get the UID
- getEmail() — Get the E-Mail
- getFirstName() — Get the First Name
- getHasChildren() — Indicate if Has Children
- getIsEcommerce() — Indicate if Is E-Commerce
- getIsHidden() — Indicate if Is Hidden
- getIsMember()
- getIsPrimary() — Indicate if Is Primary
- getLastName() — Get the Last Name
- getLogin() — Get the Login
- getName() — Get the Name
- getPassword() — Get the Password
- getPermissionId() — Get the Permission ID
- getPrincipalId() — Get the ID
- getSendEmail() — Indicate if will send E-Mail
- getTrainingGroupId() — Get the Training Groupd ID
- getType() — Get the Type
- instance() — Returns a new Principal instance
- setAccountId()
- setDescription()
- setDisabled()
- setDisplayUid()
- setEmail()
- setFirstName()
- setHasChildren()
- setIsEcommerce()
- setIsHidden()
- setIsMember()
- setIsPrimary()
- setLastName()
- setLogin()
- setName()
- setPassword()
- setPermissionId()
- setPrincipalId()
- setSendEmail()
- setTrainingGroupId()
- setType() — Set the Principal type.
- toArray() — Retrieves all not null attributes in an associative array