Source of file Client.php
Size: 5,210 Bytes - Last Modified: 2018-11-03T09:50:48-04:00
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134 | <?php namespace AdobeConnectClient; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionException; use BadMethodCallException; use DomainException; use UnexpectedValueException; use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\ConnectionInterface; use AdobeConnectClient\Connection\ResponseInterface; use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\SCO; use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\SCORecord; use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\Permission; use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\Principal; use AdobeConnectClient\Entities\CommonInfo; use AdobeConnectClient\Helpers\StringCaseTransform as SCT; use AdobeConnectClient\ArrayableInterface as Arrayable; /** * The Client to Adobe Connect API * * @method bool login(string $login, string $password) Login in the Service. * @method bool logout() Ends the service session * @method CommonInfo commonInfo(string $domain = '') Gets the Common Info * @method SCO scoInfo(int $scoId) Gets the info about a SCO * @method SCO scoCreate(Arrayable $sco) Create a SCO * @method bool scoUpdate(Arrayable $sco) Update a SCO * @method bool scoDelete(int $scoId) Delete a SCO or a Folder * @method bool scoMove(int $scoId, int $folderId) Move the SCO to other Folder * @method SCO[] scoContents(int $scoId, Arrayable $filter = null, Arrayable $sorter = null) Get the SCO Contents from a folder or from other SCO * @method SCORecord[] listRecordings(int $folderId) Provides a list of recordings for a specified folder or SCO * @method Principal principalInfo(int $principalId) Gets the info about an user or group * @method Principal principalCreate(Arrayable $principal) Create a Principal. * @method bool principalUpdate(Arrayable $principal) Update a Principal. * @method bool principalDelete(int $principalId) Remove one principal, either user or group * @method Principal[] principalList(int $groupId = 0, Arrayable $filter = null, Arrayable $sorter = null) Provides a complete list of users and groups, including primary groups. * @method bool userUpdatePassword(int $userId, string $newPassword, string $oldPassword = '') Changes user’s password * @method bool groupMembershipUpdate(int $groupId, int $principalId, bool $isMember) Add or remove a principal from a group * @method bool permissionUpdate(Arrayable $permission) Updates the principal's permissions to access a SCO or the access mode if the acl-id is a Meeting * @method Principal[] permissionsInfo(int $aclId, Arrayable $filter, Arrayable $sorter) Get a list of principals who have permissions to act on a SCO, Principal or Account * @method Permission permissionInfoFromPrincipal(int $aclId, int $principalId) Get the Principal's permission in a SCO, Principal or Account * @method bool meetingFeatureUpdate(int $accountId, string $featureId, bool $enable) Set a feature * @method bool aclFieldUpdate(int $aclId, string $fieldId, mixed $value, Arrayable $extraParams = null) Updates the passed in Field for the specified ACL * @method bool recordingPasscode(int $scoId, string $passcode) Set the passcode on a Recording and turned into public * @method int|null scoUpload(int $folderId, string $resourceName, \resource|\SplFileInfo $file) Uploads a file and then builds the file */ class Client { /** * @var ConnectionInterface */ protected $connection; /** * @var string The Session Cookie */ protected $sessionCookie = ''; /** * @param ConnectionInterface $connection The Connection handler */ public function __construct(ConnectionInterface $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; } /** * @return string */ public function getSession() { return $this->sessionCookie; } /** * @param string $session */ public function setSession($session = '') { $this->sessionCookie = $session; } /** * Instantiates the Command and execute it. * * @param string $commandName * @param array $arguments * @return mixed * @throws ReflectionException */ public function __call($commandName, array $arguments = []) { $className = '\\AdobeConnectClient\\Commands\\' . SCT::toUpperCamelCase($commandName); if (!class_exists($className)) { throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('"%s" is not defined as command', $commandName)); } $reflection = new ReflectionClass($className); if (!$reflection->isSubclassOf(Command::class)) { throw new DomainException(sprintf('"%s" is not a valid command', $className)); } return $reflection->newInstanceArgs($arguments) ->setClient($this) ->execute(); } /** * * @param array $parameters * @return ResponseInterface * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ public function doGet(array $parameters) { return $this->connection->get($parameters); } /** * * @param array $postParams * @param array $queryParams * @return ResponseInterface * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ public function doPost(array $postParams, array $queryParams = []) { return $this->connection->post($postParams, $queryParams); } } |